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iliac crest bone graft

This image is titled iliac crest bone graft and is attached to our article about Sciatica And Back Pain – Causes, Consequences and Living With Sciatica.

Be sure to visit the guide for more context and information about iliac crest bone graft, or read some of our other Health & Anatomy posts!

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Sciatica And Back Pain – Causes, Consequences and Living With Sciatica

Sciatica And Back Pain – Causes, Consequences and Living With Sciatica:

Sciatica and back pain and very common complaints that can impact all aspects of quality of life. Around 60-80% of the population will report some form of sciatica or back pain during their lifetime. Back pain is second only to the common cold as a reason for absence from work. Poorly managed back pain however can cause damaging effects and... Read full guide »