There are roughly 650 muscles in the human body, depending on whom you ask, and some of those are important muscles you should exercise frequently. Obviously, it would be impossible to focus on all of them, but for exercise there are a few key muscles that are worth zeroing in on for health and overall […]
Anatomy of the Human Heart
The human heart is located in the chest cavity in the middle of the lungs and behind the sternum (slightly to the left of the sternum or “breastbone”). It is roughly the size of a fist and one of the hardest working organs in the human body. The heart is responsible for pumping blood to […]
Five Shockingly Effective Deltoid Muscle Workouts
The deltoid or “delt” is a muscle consisting of three parts that forms the shoulder. There are many advantages to training deltoid muscles, and adding deltoid mass broadens the shoulders and more definition contributes to an overall more fit look. Additionally, by strengthening the deltoids, more stability is provided for exercises that may not directly […]
What Are Gall Stones and How to Get Rid of Them
Gall stones are small stones that form in the gall bladder. They are usually made of cholesterol and do not normally cause a problem unless they get stuck in a duct, or opening, within the gall bladder. Some gall stones are made of calcium deposits, and sometimes there are a few smaller stones and sometimes […]
Plank Workout Efficiency Tips
The plank is a specific core strength exercise which involves holding a difficult position for increasingly longer periods of time. There are many forms of plank workouts and disciplines such as yoga and Pilates incorporate types of planking into their routines. As with all exercises, plank workout efficiency can be improved by doing them correctly. […]
Femoral Reproductive Therapeutic Massage
Femoral Reproductive massage is a technique used to boost fertility through increasing blood flow to the uterus and ovaries. It is claimed to increase your chances of conception based on the fact that increasing blood flow to any particular area or organ of the body increases its function and ability. It is a fact that […]
Sciatica And Back Pain – Causes, Consequences and Living With Sciatica
Sciatica and back pain and very common complaints that can impact all aspects of quality of life. Around 60-80% of the population will report some form of sciatica or back pain during their lifetime. Back pain is second only to the common cold as a reason for absence from work. Poorly managed back pain however […]
Top Natural Home Remedies For Urinary Tract Bacterial Infections
A urinary tract infection or UTI can be painful and uncomfortable, but in most cases is not dangerous. It is possible to treat this condition with medications but it can also be addressed with home remedies. Below are some simple tips you should consider for alleviating the pain and ridding yourself of a UTI at […]
Endocrine System And Why It Matters
The human endocrine system comprises of several glands that produce innumerable hormones which are necessary for the human body to function properly. The endocrine system comprises of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, pineal gland, adrenal gland, parathyroid and essentially all the endocrine glands. To understand the significance of human endocrine system, you will have […]
Neck Problems That Trigger Tinnitus – Causes And Solutions
Tinnitus is a condition that involves constant ringing in the ears. This condition can be very mild or it can be very severe, and in some cases even interfere with one’s overall hearing. Tinnitus itself is not a disease or illness but rather is a symptom of another underlying cause, typically damage to the inner […]
Human Hand: Anatomy and Medical Issues
Humans have two hands, the same as other primates such as monkeys, chimpanzees and lemurs. The hands are anatomically described as prehensile, multi-fingered extremity with two opposable thumbs located at the end of the forelimbs. The human hands have five fingers, although in some peculiar cases, there is an additional finger or fingers either in […]
Chronic Appendicitis Symptoms, Causes And Treatments
Chronic appendicitis is a medical condition caused by an inflamed appendix. The appendix is a small and very thin tube located at the junction of the small and large intestines. It is typically located in the lower right abdomen area. The appendix is normally four inches long and it doesn’t really have any specific purpose. […]